Source code for sdanalysis.figures.thermodynamics

#! /usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# vim:fenc=utf-8
# Copyright © 2017 Malcolm Ramsay <>
# Distributed under terms of the MIT license.
# pylint: skip-file
"""Bokeh dashboard for interactive visualisation of thermodynamic properties."""

import logging
from pathlib import Path

import pandas
from bokeh.layouts import column, gridplot, row, widgetbox
from bokeh.models import ColumnDataSource, Panel, Select, Tabs, TextInput
from bokeh.plotting import curdoc, figure

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def read_file(source): """Read a file into a pandas dataframe.""" data = pandas.read_table(source, sep="\t") data["time"] = pandas.to_timedelta(data.timestep * 0.005, unit="us") data.set_index("time", drop=True, inplace=True) data = data[~data.index.duplicated(keep="last")] data = data.resample("1ms").mean() return data
[docs]def update_file_list(attr, old, new): """Update list of all files as a callback.""" old_file = fname.value fname.options = [ for filename in Path(new).glob("thermo*")] try: new_file = fname.options[0] if old_file in fname.options: new_file = old_file fname.value = new_file except IndexError: pass
[docs]def update_file(attr, old, new): """Update current file as a callback.""" global dataframe src_fname = Path(directory.value) / new logger.debug("Read file %s", src_fname) dataframe = read_file(src_fname) update_factors(None, None, None) update_datacolumns(None, None, None)
[docs]def update_factors(attr, old, new): """Update factors as a callback.""" factors.options = list(dataframe.columns) factors.value = factors.options[2]
[docs]def update_datacolumns(attr, old, new): """Update data as a callback.""" = { "x": dataframe.timestep.values, "temperature": dataframe.temperature.values, "pressure": dataframe.pressure.values, "potential_energy": dataframe.potential_energy.values, "kinetic_energy": dataframe.kinetic_energy.values, } = { "x": dataframe.timestep.values, "y": dataframe[factors.value].values, }
dataframe = pandas.DataFrame() default_columns = ColumnDataSource(data={}) datacolumns = ColumnDataSource(data={}) directory = TextInput(value=".", title="Source Directory") directory.on_change("value", update_file_list) fname = Select(title="File", value="", options=[]) fname.on_change("value", update_file) factors = Select(options=[], value="") factors.on_change("value", update_datacolumns) update_file_list(None, None, directory.value) logger.debug("Defualt colums %s", logger.debug("Defualt colummns columns %s", list( cols = list( try: cols.remove("x") except ValueError: pass x_range = None fig_args = { "plot_height": 150, "plot_width": 800, "tools": "pan, box_zoom, xwheel_zoom", "active_scroll": "xwheel_zoom", } default_plots = [figure(**fig_args, y_axis_label=col) for col in cols] for fig, col in zip(default_plots, cols): fig.line(source=default_columns, x="x", y=col) if x_range is not None: fig.x_range = x_range x_range = fig.x_range logger.debug("Laying out defualt tab") controls_default = widgetbox([directory, fname], width=300) grid = gridplot(default_plots, ncols=1) default_layout = row(controls_default, grid) default_tab = Panel(child=default_layout, title="Default") logger.debug("Creating investigate_tab") fig_args["plot_height"] = 400 plot = figure(**fig_args) plot.line(source=datacolumns, x="x", y="y") controls_inv = widgetbox([factors], width=300) inv_layout = column(controls_inv, plot) investigate_tab = Panel(child=inv_layout, title="Investigate") tabs = Tabs(tabs=[default_tab, investigate_tab]) curdoc().add_root(tabs) curdoc().title = "Thermodynamics"