Source code for sdanalysis.figures.configuration

#! /usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# vim:fenc=utf-8
# Copyright © 2017 Malcolm Ramsay <>
# Distributed under terms of the MIT license.
"""Plot configuration."""

import logging
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List, Optional

import numpy as np
from bokeh import palettes
from bokeh.colors import RGB
from bokeh.models import Circle, ColumnDataSource, HoverTool
from bokeh.plotting import figure
from bokeh.transform import factor_cmap
from hsluv import hpluv_to_rgb

from ..frame import Frame
from ..molecules import Molecule, Trimer
from ..util import orientation2positions, quaternion2z

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def _create_colours(light_colours=False) -> np.ndarray:
    saturation = 100
    luminance = 60
    if light_colours:
        saturation = 80
        luminance = 80
    colours = []
    for hue in range(360):
        r, g, b = hpluv_to_rgb((hue, saturation, luminance))
        colours.append(RGB(r * 256, g * 256, b * 256))
    return np.array(colours)

LIGHT_COLOURS = _create_colours(light_colours=True)
DARK_COLOURS = _create_colours(light_colours=False)

[docs]def plot_circles( mol_plot: figure, source: ColumnDataSource, categorical_colour: bool = False, factors: Optional[List[Any]] = None, colormap=palettes.Category10_10, ) -> figure: """Add the points to a bokeh figure to render the trimer molecule. This enables the trimer molecules to be drawn on the figure using only the position and the orientations of the central molecule. """ glyph_args = dict( x="x", y="y", fill_alpha=1, line_alpha=0, radius="radius", fill_color="colour" ) if categorical_colour: if factors is None: factors = np.unique(["colour"]).astype(str) colour_categorical = factor_cmap( field_name="colour", factors=factors, palette=colormap ) glyph_args["fill_color"] = colour_categorical glyph = Circle(**glyph_args) mol_plot.add_glyph(source, glyph=glyph) mol_plot.add_tools( HoverTool( tooltips=[ ("index", "$index"), ("x:", "@x"), ("y:", "@y"), ("orientation:", "@orientation"), ] ) ) mol_plot.toolbar.active_inspect = None return mol_plot
[docs]def colour_orientation(orientations: np.ndarray, light_colours=False) -> np.ndarray: if light_colours: return LIGHT_COLOURS[np.rad2deg(orientations).astype(int)] return DARK_COLOURS[np.rad2deg(orientations).astype(int)]
[docs]def frame2data( frame: Frame, order_function: Callable[[Frame], np.ndarray] = None, order_list: np.ndarray = None, molecule: Molecule = Trimer(), categorical_colour: bool = False, ) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Convert a Frame to data for plotting in Bokeh. This takes a frame and performs all the necessary calculations for plotting, in particular the colouring of the orientation and crystal classification. Args: frame: The configuration which is to be plotted. order_function: A function which takes a frame as it's input which can be used to classify the crystal. order_list: A pre-classified collection of values. This is an alternate approach to using the order_function molecule: The molecule which is being plotted. categorical_colour: Whether to classify as categories, or liquid/crystalline. Returns: Dictionary containing x, y, colour, orientation and radius values for each molecule. """ assert Molecule is not None if order_function is not None and order_list is not None: raise ValueError("Only one of order_function and order_list can be specified") angle = quaternion2z(frame.orientation) if categorical_colour: if order_function is not None: colour = order_function(frame).astype(str) elif order_list is not None: colour = order_list.astype(str) else: raise ValueError("No way found to calculate categories.") else: # Colour all particles with the darker shade colour = colour_orientation(angle) if order_list is not None: order_list = np.logical_not(order_list) # Colour unordered molecules lighter colour[order_list] = colour_orientation(angle, light_colours=True)[ order_list ] elif order_function is not None: order = order_function(frame) if order.dtype in [int, bool, float]: order = np.logical_not(order.astype(bool)) else: logger.debug("Order dtype: %s", order.dtype) order = order == "liq" logger.debug("Order fraction %.2f", np.mean(order)) colour[order] = colour_orientation(angle, light_colours=True)[order] positions = orientation2positions(molecule, frame.position, frame.orientation) data = { "x": positions[:, 0], "y": positions[:, 1], "orientation": np.tile(angle, molecule.num_particles), "radius": np.repeat(molecule.get_radii(), len(frame)) * 0.98, "colour": np.tile(colour, molecule.num_particles), } return data
[docs]def plot_frame( frame: Frame, order_function: Optional[Callable[[Frame], np.ndarray]] = None, order_list: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, source: Optional[ColumnDataSource] = None, molecule: Molecule = Trimer(), categorical_colour: bool = False, factors: Optional[List[Any]] = None, colormap: Optional[Any] = None, ): """Plot a snapshot using bokeh. Args: frame: The frame determining the positions to plot order_function: A function which takes a frame and determines ordering order_list: A pre-computed list of ordering. source: An existing bokeh ColumnDataSource to use for plotting. molecule: The molecule which is being plotted, used to calculate additional positions. categorical_colour: Toggle which colours liquid/crystal, or each crystal factors: The factors used for plotting. This is for continuity across a range of figures. colourmap: The collection of colours to use when plotting. Returns: Bokeh plot """ if colormap is None: colormap = palettes.Category10_10 data = frame2data( frame, order_function=order_function, order_list=order_list, molecule=molecule, categorical_colour=categorical_colour, ) plot = figure( aspect_scale=1, match_aspect=True, width=920, height=800, active_scroll="wheel_zoom", output_backend="webgl", ) if source: = data else: source = ColumnDataSource(data=data) return plot_circles( plot, source, categorical_colour, colormap=colormap, factors=factors )